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my oscar dream

on the night of march 1, the 76th annual academy a school and i received a n assignment one day, to make a ten to t one end of the school to the other then on, i became obsessed etimes admired directors and producers of these films because the techniques they use are so smart. their cleverness inspired me to make and act in movies.

an oscar award for this movie. i think that would be quite a challenge, but its not impossible. for now, its back to watching movies over and over again for me!


初中英语演讲稿 Of Friendship

in our daily life, if e the hardships. sometimes we may have some misunderstandings or disagreements with our friends, thus we had better have a discussion with them and try to accept their good ideas instead of quarreling with them. as long as we can follow these good suggestions, well find it easy to make more friends.



初一英语演讲稿 My Favourite present

I have received many presents etimes, I ables and fruit and less candies. Stop eating junk food and drinking beers. Last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. We should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. If we pay more attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body. I wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.

我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或者晚饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如果我们都能按照以上的建议注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我希望每个人都有个强壮和健康的身体。

初中英语演讲稿 How to Stay Healthy

as ables and fruit and less candies. stop eating junk food and drinking beers. last but not least, we should go to bed early and wake up early. we should have enough sleep, or we will get sleepy in the day time. if we pay more attention to the tips above, we will have healthier body. i wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.

我们都知道,健康对每个人来说都很重要。但是你知道该如何保持健康吗? 这里有一些实用的建议。首先,我们应该做运动,如果有时间的话。例如,我们可以在暑假的时候去游泳,或者晚饭后去散步。做运动让我们的身体更强壮更健康。第二,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃糖果。不吃垃圾食品和啤酒。最后,我们应该早睡早起。如果睡不够,第二天就会很疲倦。如果我们都能按照以上的建议注意自己的健康,我们的身体会更棒。我希望每个人都有个强壮和健康的身体。





Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or t the USA. I met him in 1996 e other classes to sing songs for them, just like etimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said. Sometimes, speaking munication to see the bookstore to sell the success of surgery patients like best-selling book, I feel funny. A person has a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, or

interested in something, try to do it successfully, it munication? That of course there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, then hid shortcut to the croween good friends can be such a thing occurred in Dear John, in the past between the more difficult, more difficult to repair the cracks now, and seems to maintain an acquaintance too unnatural. As for those who have only acquaintance, handed over the case of non-payment of the two may be, it is not a Dear John.Extraversion personality people easy access to many of my friends, but always a few true friends. Introversion are lonely, once friends, often is true.


Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.

Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.




Hello everyone, I’m ?You can call me? I am a sunny and hard-

eho Class X, Grade X in GangKou Middle School. Today, my topic is Kaiping is more beautiful because it has you.

This You is not that You, it represents the people orro Class X, Grade X in GangKou Middle School. Today, I am going to talk about our school.

I love my school. There are more than 1,600 students and 140 teachers in our school. Our teachers are very friendly to us . Although they are strict good grades at the high

school entrance examinations. Our school has brought up its students to be excellent talents for Kaiping. That is why I am so proud of being a student of Gangkou Middle School. And I thought that Kaiping is more beautiful because it has you, my dearest school.

That’s all. Thank you for listening.





很荣幸能站在这里参加班干部的竞选,在此我对大家的支持表示由衷的感谢。 小时候,父亲曾对我说过:做事要脚踏实地,一步一个脚印的去做。不止一次,站上讲台参加竞选,我深感机会的来之不易,需要好好珍惜。正是由于这种动力,当我站在这里的时候,倍感自信。 当然仅仅有自信是不够的,还要有一定的能力。然而农村的教育水平终究不如城里,我比起班里的一些同学还是有差距的。从不会到会,从不好到好的过程,就是凭借着自信和虚心的态度来认真完成每一件工作的。但人非圣贤,孰能无过,我也犯过错,但我敢于面对自己的错误,从同学与老师的 帮助中虚心的接受批评,并改正错误,而且决不容许自己第二次在同一地方跌倒。 今天我之所以在这里参加竞选,是为了锻炼自己的能力,提高自己的英语水平,同时也会让全班的成绩一同提高当然,我如果没有当选,我也不会懈气,我会更加努力的。 最后,我真诚希望大家相信我,支持我,给我这次展示能力的机会。我将在这一片属于我们的天空中挥洒春的汗水,为班级的明天绘出一幅美好的蓝图。

















我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!Thank you very much!



dear teacher, dear students:

hello everybody!

my topic today is making the self-confidence.

thomas edison once said: confidence is the first secret of success. yes, in life, e eye-catching and gorgeous. similarly, there is no ability to foil, and let confidence no matter hoe and go like the ing ,every citizen has realized green beijing and green olympics . one is for e young trees s all wish the best for the XX olympics in beijing. thanks for your listening.


Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, mon viee places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.

So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly。







Ladies and Gentlemen:

Its our great honor and deepest pleasure to every province of our pany you day and night every minute on this unique journey.

e all the obstacles that hold you back.

painfully shy children e pakinsons disease,and legs .A noise of bump had the attention of Mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.Can you imagine that Mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.So Lucy shouted at her,Lucy ,turn your clothes on. ween eastern and western culture.

Thats full of it,thank you for your time!




There e suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school.Firstly ,mend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them. Finally,1 suggest the Internet and other sources.

Nomend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them. Finally,1 suggest we have more Endish activities,such as English contests and festivals.

Thank you for listening.



Today, I speak for everyone is homeland in my heart. The From my parents, eland, more than all my love. Everyone must have heard, My Chinese Heart This is the first milk such as the general nourishment of this magical land, raising a great nation. First visit to the majestic Mount Tai to visit her, you ain loyalty clearance of the Zhuang bold and heroic image of eland heroes and heroines are all infected with the patriotic feelings of me, inspired my patriotism.

Students! Let us work together to study, right? 转载请注明!)的志士仁人,英雄豪杰。还记得岳母刺字的动人故事,精忠报国的铮铮誓言还响彻耳畔;还记得人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗清的壮语豪言,文天祥英勇豪迈的形象仿佛还在眼前;还记得 王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁的谆谆告诫,陆游临死前的告白久久的在脑海中回荡。詹天佑不怕困难不怕嘲笑毅然接受任务;钱学森放弃名誉金钱,历经重重困难回到祖国的怀抱;宝石岛的无名战士,以岛为家,立志把海岛建好。祖国英雄儿女们的爱国情怀处处感染着我,激励着我的爱国情怀。




Today, I speak for everyone is homeland in my heart. The From my parents, eland, more than all my love. Everyone must have heard, My Chinese Heart This is the first milk such as the general nourishment of this magical land, raising a great nation. First visit to the majestic Mount Tai to visit her, you ain loyalty clearance of the Zhuang bold and heroic image of eland heroes and heroines are all infected with the patriotic feelings of me, inspired my patriotism.

Students! Let us work together to study, right? 转载请注明!)的志士仁人,英雄豪杰。还记得岳母刺字的动人故事,精忠报国的铮铮誓言还响彻耳畔;还记得人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗清的壮语豪言,文天祥英勇豪迈的形象仿佛还在眼前;还记得 王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁的谆谆告诫,陆游临死前的告白久久的在脑海中回荡。詹天佑不怕困难不怕嘲笑毅然接受任务;钱学森放弃名誉金钱,历经重重困难回到祖国的怀抱;宝石岛的无名战士,以岛为家,立志把海岛建好。祖国英雄儿女们的爱国情怀处处感染着我,激励着我的爱国情怀。


高中英语演讲稿:My Hometown

my hometoic center of tibet. it has lots of famous sights to offer. the potala palace is the most famous, a magnificent and and bravery of our people.

secondly, led by the reforming and opening policy of china, lhasa has changed a lot. many nemunications is spreading. the es in june for eating yoghurt. at this time, all my family and i gather for a picnic together at the norbulinka, a famous garden. in the garden, etown. i love the people in my hometown..

thank you.








现在我正期待着雪顿节的到来,这个节日在六月初,是一个吃酸奶的节日,当这个节日到来的时候,我和我的家人、朋友聚在一起在有名的公园-罗布林卡 里面野餐。我们在草地上一起唱藏歌,跳锅庄舞;踏着美丽的藏式地毯吃糌粑、喝酥油茶和青稞酒,享受我们幸福的生活,我认为这个节日展示了西藏人民开朗、乐观的性格。






As e, parents have taken attention from the message of the Olympic Games, all brothers and sisters from time to time to talk about the various stories related to the Olympic Games.

Everyone is on the Olympic Games has its own expectations, and I also believe that China will certainly be able to better organize the Olympic Games and win honor for our country !

正如我们所知道的,在20xx年北京奥运会将举行,每个人都期盼能够到达时,仔细探索生命的细节,我们可以清楚地看到,奥林匹克的精神是无处不在。 邻居们,我们之间互相帮助,同事,除了比赛时,每个人都有更大的友谊第一。每个人都有与自己开始,保护周围环境。奥运气氛弥漫在我家,家长注意信息的奥运会期间,所有的兄弟姐妹,从时间,以时间来谈论不同的故事与奥林匹克运动会。 每个人都有其自身的奥林匹克运动会的期望,而且我也相信,中国必将能够更好的组织奥运,为我们的国家!